Wed 27 august
Jislaaikit, what a kief day to be on a boat. Hardly any wind and lekker sunny. Pity we had to sit on a cramped boat all day and get shouted at everytime the windshifted. After sailing Bongo moved the braai from a miura onto our boat, next time its like this don't be alarmed if you see smoke coming off our stern.I was indeed feeling much better after downing a 2l crème soda before going to bed last night.

We had a bit of drama early on when we couldn't find the Twat, turns out he had indeed called in 'sick' and was in no state to sail. Not really his fault, throw unlimited free cocktails at a cheapskate like him and its always gonna end up at a police station or a hospital. The upside was we got the Dude's daughter on at short notice. Good for us, she just had enough time to pack a bikini and we indeed paraded the finest deck fluff in the fleet. Plenty of hint hint nudge nudges at Sparky, if the Dude knows whats going on he's hiding it really well.

Don't really know what went wrong today as the results don't reflect our rockstarness, once again everyone crowds around us at the start. Even Daddy's Impatience and the Onion Mistress, are we such startline gurus? We had a bit of a duel with Rod Knee from Team Evacuate for fifth last place on the second beat. Luckily we followed some schoolkids and served him solid as he got caught up in some traffic. Those kids really should be playing with their Xboxes, rather than making us look silly. Also went past those vaalies like they were looking for parking, serve them right for fluking it yesterday. We kicked butt and were boatspeeding like a muthertrucker past everyone, only to have this massive ship get in our way. Who the hell parks their boat in a racecourse anyway? Imagine if I parked my caravan on the Hockenheim track during the F1?

We get back to the club, and the word is that the huge ship was the Daddy's Impatience spectators boat. Well I suppose if you are winning the regatta then why not show off, we'd probably get the QE2 if we had as many bullets as them.

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